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…– Musik is höchstens a Hobby (AT/DE 2023) 2023: Samsara Filmproduktion and Graf Filmproduktion for RUBIKON (producers Loredana Rehekampff, Andreas Schmied, and Klaus Graf) as well as Aichholzer Filmproduktion for


…um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen gegenüber dem Websitebetreiber zu erbringen. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von Ihrem Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen…


…Girl and the Spider premiered in the international competition Encounters at the Berlinale, where it received the award for Best Director and the FIPRESCI Prize. His screenplay and editing were…


…8, 8010 Graz www.parkhotel-graz.at Schlossberghotel Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 30, 8010 Graz www.schlossberghotel.at   Weitere Festivalhotels   Gasthof-Pension Zur Steirerstub’n Lendplatz 8, 8020 Graz pension-graz.at Hotel Drei Raben Annenstraße 43, 8020 Graz www.dreiraben.at…


…Thomas Pluch Screenwriting Prize for short or medium length feature films 2023: Kálmán Nagy for Das andere Ende der Straße 2022: Fatih Gürsoey for Neverinland 2021: Klara von Veegh for


…Filmkooperation zwischen Österreich und Slowenien stärken? Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum, free admission How can collaboration between Austria and Slovenia be strengthened to create better conditions for film productions and co-productions? Presentation


…What mediation and support programs does the Diagonale offer? Workshops, discussions, various installations and exhibitions, apprenticeship projects, kino:CLASS and university specials are a part of the comprehensive support and mediation


…milieu or to auspicious Manhattan. Sehnsucht 20/21 – City and Desire inquires into mutual historical foundations, and searches for possible clues and answers on the movie screen. The historical special…


…world of the 1950s and 1960s, has since traumatized generations (as one hears) on the television and marks a culmination and transition from Heimatfilm to pop film, long before the…


…Deren and Hammid, from Teiji Ito to Attwenger The compilation of the series makes visible how Jessica Hausner conceives of film and cinema and the influences that have become noticeable…


…Japanese composer Teiji Ito. The program will be complemented by an extensive Diagonale im Dialog following the screening of Little Joe and a Listening Session with Jessica Hausner and musician…


…Tairo in his search for lost luck. The film celebrated its premiere in the international competition in Locarno where it won several awards. At the Diagonale’17, Covi and Frimmel won


…2023 to prepare for their first festival edition in March 2024. The designated co-director Claudia Slanar has already served on the selection committee for the Diagonale film competition for Innovative…


…Sehnsucht 2020 – City and Desire inquires into mutual historical foundations, and searches for possible clues and answers on the movie screen. The historical special offers the rare chance to…


…users only to the extent necessary for provision on the website, in the catalogue, or for allocation in the archive. 6.3 The personal data of those in question will be…


…City of Graz (to Simona Obholzer for DIN 18035). The Diagonale Acting Awards for remarkable performances in a competition film in cooperation with VdFS went to Birgit Minichmayr for Sleeping…


…of events, and as news service—also for film-political issues. Right from the start, Hochhäusler combined filmmaking and writing about film; collaborative work is also a fixed component of his practice….


…the confusion of her generation and our era: The protagonists Yesmin, Bella, and Nati are searching for clues in lifestyle codes between retro fashion and Kurdish military uniforms – cultural…


…to music videos and short feature films (director and colorist). A projectionist goes to the movies. Lecture and appearance in the competition What color is Austrian film? Andi Winter will…


…DE 1979) — Club 2 miniatures (selected and compiled by Camillo Foramitti) Intoxication is a central topic in Austrian cinema. Between expanding the senses and limiting one’s life, it works…


and immigration are set in relationship with one another: here, the cruise ship, there the immigration from Cuba. An imbalance becomes visible, between the voices, but also between sound and


…the Diagonale presses forth in its examination of Austrian identity and motion pictures this year in the “pop scene.” The special focus gathers works where pop is involved with subversion,


…der Augen can be viewed in the Diagonale’s competition program. In the merger of these films, humor, brashness, and the factors of time and duration step to the forefront. Pezold’s…


  Stand: August 2024 Download Einreichkriterien als PDF Filmeinreichung online von 2. September bis 2. Dezember 2024 möglich. Für die Diagonale – Festival des österreichischen Films (27. März bis…


…Constantin Wulff     Online-forum for the year 2007     Online-forum for the year 2005     Diagonale on Tour 05  Radio Film Festival 05  …


…Tickets already purchased for this event will retain their validity. Detailed information will be announced on the Diagonale website. We apologize whole-heartedly for any inconvenience! The Diagonale Team   “It


…their support in the realisation of the D ’24 trailer. https://vimeo.com/914718254?share=copy A co-production of Diagonale and Kunsthaus Graz For Diagonale ’24, artists and filmmakers Eva Egermann and Cordula Thym…


…aims to understand people, however they may think. It’s a film that has no preconceived opinion and thereby approaches things and truths that surprise us. A film, which based on


…of its serious, melancholic, and at the same time subtle tones and reveals new nuances in Kreutzer’s work. Following its world premiere at the competition of the Berlin International Film…


for good reason by film clubs, Catholic and left-wing one-world groups, peace activists, unions, women’s groups, and anti-nuclear organizations. It can also be said that although the films from the…


and often the fields function as communicating vessels. Thus, the Diagonale’19 will not only screen selected films by Ludwig Wüst and shed light on his approach to film and cinema…


…is based on in-depth research into its protagonist and the socio-political implications of her work and is formally characterised by solid and coherent craftsmanship with a keen eye for detail…


…a new director who is searching for her own path and has aroused our curiosity and inspired us with this search. Honourable mention for Gerald Pribek Im Haus der alten…


KIZ RoyalKino © Diagonale/Sebastian Reiser KIZ RoyalKino Conrad von Hötzendorfstraße 10, 8010 Graz www.uncut.at/graz/kizroyal     Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino © Diagonale/Paul Pibernig Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino Rechbauerstraße 6, 8010 Graz www.filmzentrum.com…


…labor migration to concepts of foreignness, uprooting, and identity, toward ones of self-will and emancipation, an awakening spirit of self-assertion and resistance – and, last but not least, to an…


…objects of everyday. use The products actively question and push the boundaries between abstraction and function. Made possible by: legero united – the shoemakers | Initiator of con-tempus.eu.    …


…about his checkered and moving career is far more than a mere succession of anecdotes. Several decades of Austrian and international film and cinema history come alive and become tangible…


…oder österreichische Erstaufführung. Filmhistorische Spezialprogramme finden sich in der Reihe Filmgeschichte und dem von Synema kuratierten Special, umfassende Blicke auf herausragende Filmemacher:innen im Rahmen von Werkschauen bietet die Festivalschiene Position.


…Samsara Filmproduktion und Graf Filmproduktion für RUBIKON (AT 2022) sowie Aichholzer Filmproduktion für Rotzbub (AT/DE 2021) und Film AG für Corsage (AT/LU/DE/FR 2022) 2022: FreibeuterFilm für Hinterland (AT/LU 2021, 99…


…to search for connecting lines within a sharpened view, not to look at cinema in a vacuum, but to question its roots and obligations time and again.” desistfilm.com (PE) /…


…roles. It was made on the fringes of industrial film production as a production of the Deutsche Filmgemeinschaft; all those involved received only minimum pay, but shared in the box-office…


…doing so, foregoes classical black-and-white schemata: An emphatic film about courage, coming of age, and the power of education under difficult conditions. With Aleksandar Petrović, Maria Hofstätter (Grand Diagonale Acting…


and critic, previously for Schnitt and Falter, among others, now for Die Presse), Ulrike Wirth (film scholar) — Trouble Feature: Die Praxis der Liebe (D: Valie Export, AT 1984/85) and


…aus Österreich © Diagonale/Miriam Raneburger „24 Stunden“ und mehr? Zum brisanten Thema „Pflege“ KULTUM Sunday April 7, 5 p.m., free admission Registration at tickets(at)kultum.at In Cooperation with Caritas and Kultum…


…wird das Digitalangebot von Canale Diagonale um exklusive Onlinepremieren aktueller Wettbewerbsfilme auf den Websites von FM4 und Ö1 sowie um punktuelle Liveübertragungen von Veranstaltungen des Festivals. Erstmals wird die Preisverleihung…


…der Non-Fiction-Kommission der Zürcher Filmstiftung. Zuvor Programmarbeit für DOK Leipzig, Kasseler Dokfest, sixpackfilm und Tricky Women / Tricky Realities. Sie beschäftigt sich mit Verstrickungen und kollektiven Prozessen. Lisa Heuschober ist…


…Filmwettbewerb zeigte die Diagonale’22 Frühwerke von Friederike Pezold und Kurdwin Ayub: Jeweils zwei Filme ergänzten die aktuellen Arbeiten Revolution der Augen von Friederike Pezold und SONNE von Kurdwin Ayub und…


…mit charakteristischer Handschrift erzählt Alexander Gratzers neuester und erstmals mit Team realisierter Animationsfilm von grenzenloser Verbundenheit und vom essenziellen Unterschied zwischen Sehen und Erkennen. wieso es gibt 3633 emojis |…


…Ertl filmvermittlung(at)diagonale.at Protocoll Barbara Lindner (Head) protokoll@diagonale.at Technic Gerhard Baldasti Markus Pega Markus Zöchling technik(at)diagonale.at Art Direction Beton www.beton.studio Webdesign Florian Koch www.sensomatic.com Cleaning Staff Germania-Reinigung and the cleaning staff…


and art historian based in Croatia. Basic research, writing and curatorial interests in contemporary art, exhibiting film and video, curatorial practices and exhibition histories. She is currently director of MMSU…


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