
Previous Franz Grabner Prizes

In 2017, the Diagonale launched a separate award ceremony for the Franz Grabner Prizes. The prizes are awarded to filmmakers for their ethically and morally responsible and credible handling of their medium. The following persons have been awarded so far:


Award winners of the Franz Grabner Prize for Best Cinema Documentary

2023: LASS MICH FLIEGEN by Evelyne Faye

2022: Weiyena – Ein Heimatfilm by Weina Zhao and Judith Benedikt

2020: DIESER FILM IST EIN GESCHENK by Anja Salomonowitz

2019: Waldheims Walzer by Ruth Beckermann

2018: Gwendolyn by Ruth Kaaserer

2017: Unten von Djordje Čenić by Hermann Peseckas


Award winners of the Franz Grabner Prize for Best TV Documentary

2023: Weg Damit – Die Kunst der Entsorgung by Karin Berghammer

2022: Erich Fried – Dichter im Porzellanladen by Danielle Proskar

2020: Viva la Vulva by Gabi Schweiger

2019: Leben für den Tod – Menschen am Zentralfriedhof by Karin Berghammer and Krisztina Kerekes

2018: Die Weltherrschaft by Fritz Ofner and Michael Lenzinger

2017: Menschen und Mächte – Flucht in die Freiheit by Andreas Pfeifer and Andreas Novak





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