
| Diagonale | Beer Coaster | 2025 |













Since 2011, FC Gloria and Diagonale have been collaborating to create beer coasters on topics specific to women as giveaways. The 2025 motif is dedicated to the gender pay gap in the film industry. It is based on the Third Austrian Film Gender Report, which was published by the Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI) in April 2024. Among other things, the report shows that women in technical fields are still heavily underrepresented in film and are often confronted with prejudices.

Who determines what we see?
Camera operators play a decisive role in shaping visual perception in film – women must finally become more visible in this position.
Women must also be more strongly represented and taken seriously in technical areas such as lighting and sound.

For a (film) world of equal treatment, diversity, fair distribution of resources, appreciation and respect. No one should experience discrimination and unequal treatment, abuse of power, sexual assault and labour law violations. Anyone can report grievances.


Diagonale ’25 in Collaboration with FC Gloria – Frauen Vernetzung Film
Idea and Illustration: Sophie Boesker with Daniela-Katrin Strobl

With kind support of AK Steiermark and GKP Steirische Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik.


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