Zaho Zay
Documentary Film, AT/FR/MG 2020, Farbe, 79 min., frOmeU
Diagonale 2021

Director: Georg Tiller, Maéva Ranaïvojaona
Script: Georg Tiller, Maéva Ranaïvojaona, Raharimanana
Cast: Eugène Ranaïvojaona, Eva Ranaïvojaona
Camera: Georg Tiller
Editor: Barbara Bossuet
Location Sound: Terence Meunier
Music: André Fèvre
Sounddesign: André Fèvre
Additional Credits: Sprecherin: Nabiha Akkari
Producers: Georg Tiller, Thomas Lambert, Maéva Ranaïvojaona
Production: Subobscura Films
Co-production: Tomsa Films (FR)
Katrafay Films (MG)
We wander through a prison compound in Madagascar, through a woman’s gazes and accompanied by her thoughts. She’s a guard at this prison and believes that one day she’ll again find her father, the “dice killer,” here. When an inmate claims that he knows him, the dream images running through the film shift to the uncanny. In an intertwining of real world and imagination, Zaho Zay makes tangible the cycles of violence, criminality, and lack of opportunities as the fate of an entire society.