Documentary Film, AT/GE/RS 2020, Farbe, 82 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2021
Director: Tatia Skhirtladze
Script: Ina Ivanceanu, Tatia Skhirtladze
Camera: Sebastian Thaler
Editor: Petra Zöpnek
Location Sound: Irakli Ivanishvili
Music: Alexandra Vrebalov
Sounddesign: Paata Godziashvili
Additional Credits: Koregie: Anna Khadzaradze
Producers: Karin Berghammer, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu & Bady Minck, Nino Chichua, Anna Khazaradze & Linda Jensen, Sarita Matijević
Production: berg hammer film
Co-production: AMOUR FOU Vienna
1991 Productions (GE)
Playground produkcija (RS)
The world of chess is in the hands of four women: Nona Gaprindaschwili, Maia Tschiburdanidze, Nana Alexandria, and Nana Iosseliani dominate international happenings on the board for three decades, win title after title, mutually outdo one another. But what does it mean to be an elite athlete during the Cold War? More precisely, in Georgia, which produced all of the players and still takes care of their memorial today? Tatia Skhirtladze wants to know and asks the icons and their fans.