Documentary Film, AT/DE 2021, Farbe, 82 min., dOF
Diagonale 2021
Director, Script, Camera, Location Sound: Kristina Schranz
Cast: Elizabeth Herzog-Schmidinger, Raimund Schmidinger, Christian Kaplan, Gerhard Nussbaumer, Helga Pflug, Laura, Lisa & Verena Seper, Georg Halper, Michael Hochwarter, Natalie Horvath, Branko Kornfeind, Sandra Löwer
Editor: Sebastian Schreiner
Music: Elisabeth Lehner, Michael Dax, Markus Lang, Dominik Hofstädter, Nikolaus Nöhrer
Sounddesign: Andrew Mottl
Additional Credits: Dramaturgie: Sebastian Schreiner
Tonmischung: Andrew Mottl
VFX & Farbkorrektur: Andi Winter
Redaktion BR: Natalie Lambsdorff
Redaktionsleitung BR: Carlos Gerstenhauer
Filmgeschäftsführung: Katharina Posch
Producers: Kristina Schranz
Production: Stella Luce Film
Co-production: Bayerischer Rundfunk (DE)
HFF München (DE)
Also in southern Burgenland, an attempt is made to “starve the virus.” Kristina Schranz returns to her hometown and films the first chapters of the pandemic. Between spring and Christmas 2020, from the first lockdown—in which everyone’s hanging out alone, kindergarten teachers are disinfecting the toys, and the pastry chef is standing alone in the bakery—through the opening in the summer until the second closure. For the most part, the mood is serious, the new emptiness is demanding. What’s next?