1 Verabredung im Herbst
Feature Film, AT 2021, Farbe, 105 min., 10.06. dOF/11.06. OmeU
Diagonale 2021
Director, Script, Camera: Sebastian Brauneis
Cast: Thomas Hojsa, Marlene Hauser, Julia Franz Richter, Christoph Radakovits, Margarethe Tiesel, Michaela Schausberger, Lukas Watzl, Christoph Kohlbacher,Katharina Bigus, Franz Xaver Zach, Franz Solar, Valentin Brauneis, Noah L. Perktold, Thomas Frank, Laura Hermann, Franzi V. Harsdorf, Aeneas Fellmer, Felix Rank, Edi Mayr, Stefan Wunder, Martin Guggisberg, Emmanuel Fellmer, Constanze Winkler, Felix Kreutzer, Miloje Pajkanovic, David Valentek, Lukas Weiss, Xaver Winkler, Ida Lässer, Helmut Emersberger, Michou Friesz, Frederic Machto, Margrit Brauneis
Editor: Antonia Adelsberger
Location Sound: Flora Rajakowitsch
Music: Emily Stewart
Sounddesign: Jón Geirfinnsson, Victoria Grohs, Flora Rajakowitsch
Additional Credits: 2nd Unit: Valentin Brauneis Farbkorrektur: David Hughes, Roman Chalupnik
Tonstudio: Innenhofstudios
Producers: Sebastian Brauneis, Marlene Hauser
Production: Studio Brauneis
Autumn is known as a time when (overly)ripe things fall. Empty political slogans about culture, for example, but also one-dimensional ideas of love and lust. The new film by Sebastian Brauneis and his ensemble operates in the proven manner with guerilla collaborations and striking antics, and at the same time, tells the elegantly ramified and beautifully melancholic story of people in love and falling-out-of-love.