Am Grat
Short Film, AT 2022, Farbe, 19 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2022

Director: Matteo Sanders
Script: Tobias Resch, Matteo Sanders
Cast: Noah Resch, Tobias Resch
Camera: Konrad Milan
Editor: Julia Sternthal
Location Sound: Lisa Puchner
Sounddesign: Valentin Königshofer
Costumes: Paul Göbel
Producers: Shoshana R. Aschauer, Marija Burtscher
Production: Filmakademie Wien
Six months ago, twenty-four-year-old Paul was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He undertakes with his younger brother Felix what might possibly be a final hike up his favorite mountain. A confrontation with a body that no longer seems to be his—and coming to peace with life.