Wos tur i? Über die Notwendigkeit des Erzählens
Documentary Film, AT 2023, Farbe+SW, 86 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2023
Director: Barbara Wilding
Script: Maria Otter, Barbara Wilding
Camera: Britta Isabella Lang, Sigrid Nagele, Miriam Raggam-Alji, Miae Son, Barbara Wilding
Editor: Maria Otter
Music: Vinzenz Schwab
Additional Credits: Co-Regie: Miriam Raggam-Alji
Producers: Barbara Wilding
In the face of the rise of fascism, Maria Cäsar wonders: “What should I do?” and decides to resist. Conversations, interviews, sound recordings, and archive material joined together as an essay, follow along the biography of the antifascist, feminist, and contemporary witness and tell of deliberately walking away and looking away in fascism, about the invisibility of communist resistance in the post-war period, and, of course: about storytelling itself.