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Feature Film, LU/AT 2014, Farbe, 80 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2014

Director, Script: Elfi Mikesch
Cast: Eva Mattes, Martin Wuttke, Nicole Max, Carolina Cardoso, Sascha Ley, Luc Feit
Camera: Jerzy Palacz
Editor: Pia Dumont
Location Sound: Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson
Music: André Mergenthaler
Sounddesign: Greg Vittore
Production Design: Christina Schaffer
Costumes: Brigitta Fink
Producers: Bady Minck, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
Production: AMOUR FOU Luxembourg
Co-production: AMOUR FOU Vienna


Years after the death of her father, Franziska (Eva Mattes) retraces images from her childhood. In a visually beguiling fluctuation between past and present, fantasy and reality, Elfi Mikesch depicts a search for identity, which leads to the revelation of her father’s war trauma. At which point it is no longer clear whether Franziska is tracking the images or if the images are pursuing her. www.amourfoufilm.com

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