Der zornige Buddha
Documentary Film, AT/DE 2016, Farbe, 98 min., 10.3. OmeU, 12.3. OmdU
Diagonale 2016
Director, Script: Stefan Ludwig
Cast: ProtagonistInnen: János Orsós, Tibor Derdák, Ferenc Galyos, Amál Beri, Mónika Lázi, András Lázi, István Kohut u.a.
Camera: Thomas Beckmann, Stefan Ludwig
Editor: Alexandra Schneider
Location Sound: Stefan Ludwig, Zoltán Dénes
Music: Martina Eisenreich
Sounddesign: Maik Siegle, Peter Riegl
Production Design: –
Costumes: –
Additional Credits: Musiker: Martin Kursawe (guitar), Wolfgang Lohmeier (percussion), Martin Entrillo (bass), Mulo Francel (Quadro Nueovo) (clarinet)
Übersetzung: Zoltán Dénes, Vince Endrődi, Shraddha Agarwal, Virág Pikó
Assistenz Ungarn: Vince Endrödi, Zoltán Dénes
Techn. Support: Thomas Treu, Noémi Ebert, Vanessa Schusterbauer
Produktionsassistenz: Karin Watabe-Wolfger, Noémi Ebert
Filmgeschäftsführung: Judith Machat, Martina Vogelmaier
Produktionsleitung: Jenny Recalde
Herstellungsleitung: Alecsander Faroga
Producer: Peter Drössler
Produzenten: Michael Cencig,
Martin Choroba, Johanna Teichmann
Redaktion: Burkard Althoff (ZDF), Christian Riehs (ORF)
Producers: Michael Cencig, Martin Choroba, Johanna Teichmann
Production: Metafilm GmbH
Co-production: Tellux Film GmbH
Laplacestr. 12
D-81679 München
in Koproduktion mit:
ZDF / Das kleine Fernsehspiel
Burkhard Althoff
D-55100 Mainz
János Orsós founded the Buddhist Ambedkar secondary school in a Hungarian village in order to offer discriminated Roma youths perspectives for the future. Der zornige Buddha documents the Roma’s massive exclusion from the center of society and the attempt to overcome this through education and spirituality. In doing so, without losing sight of social conditions, Stefan Ludwig produces an equally rare familiarity and closeness to the young protagonists and their everyday lives.