Im Spinnwebhaus
Feature Film, DE 2015, Schwarzweiß, 92 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2016
Director: Mara Eibl-Eibesfeldt
Script: Johanna Stuttmann
Cast: Ben Litwinschuh, Lutz Eilert, Helena Pieske, Sylvie Testud, Ludwig Trepte, Mathias Koeberlin, Alexandra Finder, Petra Fehrmann
Camera: Jürgen Jürges
Editor: Karl Riedl
Location Sound: Alexander Theodiassis
Music: Jörg Lemberg
Sounddesign: Philip Bitter
Production Design: Stephanie Schlienz
Costumes: Isabella Casola
Additional Credits: Maske: Fay Hatzius,
Regieassistenz: Moritz Schreiner,
Casting: Uwe Bünker,
Redaktion: Stefanie Groß
Producers: Johanna Teichmann, Martin Choroba
Production: Tellux Film GmbH Stuttgart
Co-production: SWR
Stefanie Gross
Over night, seemingly without a trace, a mother disappears from the house that she lives in alone with her three children. The children remain behind unattended. The oldest, twelve-year-old Jonas, has long stood in for his unstable mother as secret head of the family. But he is overwhelmed by the task of taking care of his younger siblings and simultaneously maintaining the illusion of an orderly family life. The children increasingly retreat into their own fantasy world. What begins as an adventure turns into a life-or-death struggle.