hildegart oder projekt: superwoman
Documentary Film, AT 2016, Farbe+SW, 82 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2016

Director, Script: Barbara Caspar
Camera: Sergio Deustua Jochamowitz, Enzo Brandner
Editor: Andrea Unterweger, Alexandra Schneider
Music: Roland Hackl
Sounddesign: Sebastian Watzinger
Additional Credits: Charakterillustrationen: Jörg Vogeltanz,
Animation: Sergio Deustua-Jochamowitz,
MIT: Josephine Witt (Femen Aktivistin, D),
Irina Kkanova (Femen Aktivistin, D),
Lara Alcázar Miranda (Femen Aktivistin, ESP)
Producers: Barbara Caspar (fragile features), Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn (Lotus Film)
Production: fragile features
Co-production: Lotus Film
Aurora Rodríguez devotes her life to the “cultivation” of a super woman: she trains her daughter Hildegart to become an intellectual Wunderkind and a distinguished feminist. However, when the seventeen-year-old nonetheless begins to emancipate herself, her mother regards her “life’s work” as failed and shoots her daughter. A true historical case, which is transmitted along interviews with present-day feminist activists in current discourse about womanhood and motherliness.