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Documentary Film, AT/US 2017, Farbe, 78 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2018

Director, Script, Camera, Editor: Lisa Truttmann
Location Sound: Sonja Bertucci, Pin-Hua Chen, Ben Neufeld, Behrouz Rae, Andy Rector, Jacob Rimler, Jessica Smith, Nora Sweeney, Lisa Truttmann
Sounddesign: Lisa Truttmann, Soundtechnik/mix: Aidan Reynolds
Additional Credits: Supporting filmmaker: Nora Sweeney
Companions: Nora Sweeney, Behrouz Rae, Sonja Bertucci, Andy Rector, Ben Neufeld
Production advisor: Nora Friedel a.o.
Producers: Lisa Truttmann


Bouncy castles, veiled artworks, or circus tents? The urban image in and around Los Ange­ les is dotted with color. The colorful tarpaulins, or tarps, are what is used to envelop entire buildings to exterminate termites. Lisa Truttmann interweaves their history with that of the unloved inhabitants. She also expands the eld with aesthetic sensa­ tions: colors, forms, and sounds of the tarps — and, of course, the sounds of the termites, too. A feast for the senses!

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