Postadresse: 2640 Schlöglmühl
Feature Film, AT 1990, Farbe, 85 min.
Diagonale 2018
Director, Script: Egon Humer
Camera: Peter Freiß
Editor: Karina Ressler
Additional Credits: Sprecherin: Eva Hosemann
Production: Prisma Film- und Fernsehproduktion
The province and the city are distinguished first and foremost by parameters of size and density. Nevertheless, both are prone to the same global economical and political influences. An amateur film from the 1970s makes this fascination for sizes visible in a long phatom-ride. Egon Humer’s Postadresse: 2640 Schlöglmühl traces the interdependence of larger economical upheavals and the individual’s fate in the province.