Jugendliebe – Wem Gott schenkt ein Häschen ...
Feature Film, AT 1983, Farbe, 64 min.
Diagonale 2018
Director: Lukas Stepanik
Script: Werner Fitzthum
Cast: Michaela Galli, Peter Strauss, Ingrid Burkhard, Kurt Sobotka
Camera: Fritz Zecha
Editor: Hildegard Ohandjanian
Location Sound: Klaus Kinzl
Stemming from a conflict of a first love gone awry, and the thus resulting existential inconsistencies, this television film stirs reflection on Austrian lower-middle-class life in the countryside. Fathers and sons have the absolute say in this milieu: records and motorcycles, town festivals, the Pope’s visit on the black-and-white TV, holiday on the upper Adriatic Sea, the decline of farms and small businesses, travel on the postbus, and a military that has not yet been de-nazified shape the backdrop for the inner conflict of a young woman who is confronted with an unplanned pregnancy.