In der Kaserne
Documentary Film, AT 2019, Farbe, 72 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2019
Director, Script: Katharina Copony
Cast: Ellis Artmann-Widerhofer, Josefine Lyon, Greta Lenhart
Camera: Stefan Neuberger
Editor: Bettina Blickwede
Location Sound: Peter Kutin
Sounddesign: Peter Kutin
Production Design: Christian Gschier, Lotte Lyon
Costumes: Christine Winkler
Additional Credits: Sprecherinnen: Ursula Scribano, Liese Lyon;
weitere Darstellerinnen: Constanze Ederer, Sofia Janser-Castorina, Mia Elena Postl, Ilya Ziampras, Maja Ziampras;
Schneiderei: Belinda Winkler;
Produktionsleitung: Karin Berghammer;
Regieassistenz: Zorah Berghammer;
Produktionspraktikant: Andi Haller;
Produktionsassistenz: Petra Koller, Leni Lauritsch, Kim Schmid
Producers: Barbara Pichler, Gabriele Kranzelbinder
Production: KGP Filmproduktion
“What things do you remember? What was it like growing up here?” asks Katharina Copony. For twenty-three years, her grandmother ran a canteen in the Styrian location of the Austrian armed forces’ barracks. As a small girl, she grew up in the midst of marching soldiers—like her mother before her, and her mothers’ sisters. Copony dissects her family history in kaleidoscopic slivers and in a wonderfully extraordinary film searches for the deposits between the images: “What kind of world appears in the others’ stories and memories?”