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This makes me want to predict the past
Innovative Cinema Short, DE/AT 2019, Schwarzweiß, 16 min., eOF
Diagonale 2020

Director, Script, Editor: Cana Bilir-Meier
Cast: Sosuna Yildiz, Aleyna Osmanoğlu, Berfin Ünsal
Camera: Lichun Tseng
Music: Nihan Devecioğlu Gustavo Kusnir
Producers: Cana Bilir-Meier


The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

This makes me want to predict the past accompanies two young women on their way through urban spaces of transit. In direct interaction with the camera, they reveal desires and fears, while the voice-over rattles handed-down structures. Munich 1982, 2016, and 2019: connecting the generations is one constant factor, the experience of racism.

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