Arche Nora
Documentary Film, AT 2020, Farbe, 79 min., 27.3. OmeU / 28.3. OmdU
Diagonale 2020
Director, Editor: Anna Kirst
Script: Anna Kirst, Lena Weiss
Camera: Jakob Fuhr
Location Sound: Matthias Writze
Sounddesign: Theda Schifferdecker
Additional Credits: Tonmischung: Lenja Gathmann
Farbkorrektur: Lee Niederkofler
Beratung: Matthias Writze
Producers: Lena Weiss
Production: Glitter & Doom Filmproduktion
The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Nora Sandigo has more children than any other woman in the world: meanwhile, roughly two thousand. Parents who live undocumented in the U.S., but whose children are born as U.S. citizens, make her their children’s guardian. And Sandigo lives up to her role: passionately, with media-savvy, and acumen. Anna Kirst shows a varied, complicated cosmos, which attempts to sort itself out in the face of political upheaval.