
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Tuesday, 01.04.
16:15, KIZ Royal 2


Animation, AT 2023, DCP, 3 min, kein Dialog
Program: Kinderkino

A fox roams Its territory, a remote forest devoid of humans that was recently swept by a storm. David Mathews animates the inquisitive animal as it explores, and in atmospherically dense, black-and-white drawings, provides rare, peaceful insight into the life of the fox.  

Director: David Mathews
Script: David Mathews
Camera: David Mathews
Editor: David Mathews
Location Sound: BBC Sound Effects (non-commercial license)
Producers: David Mathews
Funded by: Stadt Wien MA 7
World Premiere: Turku Animated Film Festival 2023
Austrian Premiere: Best Austrian Animation Festival 2023
Production format: analog+digital







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