
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
10:30, KIZ Royal 2
Sunday, 30.03.
14:30, Rechbauer

Generationen von Bildern

Documentary Film, AT 2025, DCP, 103 min, OmeU

Material from film archives and contemporary footage (on 16mm) are interwoven to a dense essay on the history of Albania, from the times of the communist Hoxha dictatorship to the present. Focus is on the interpretation of an old, supposedly regime-critical poem by young Albanians. While the films’ images are a living, historical substance that can be shaped and distorted, the poetry is a ray of light traversing them, illuminating their meaning in constantly new and different ways. 

Director: Johannes Gierlinger
Script: Johannes Gierlinger
Cast: Xhek Qorri, Antonella Coka, Gersana Hoxha, Lekë Tasi, Keti Tasi, Islam Balla, Fatush Balla, Sokol Gazidede, Ali Gazidede, Bora Mema u.v.m.
Camera: Johannes Gierlinger
Editor: Johannes Gierlinger
Location Sound: Mira Klug, Jan Zischka
Music: Benjman Klug, Gökan Arslan, Tefta Tashko-Koço
Sounddesign: Johannes Gierlinger, Florian Kindlinger
Additional Credits: Assistenz und Recherche: Mira Klug, Eros Dibra; Produktionsleitung: Lara Bellon; Übersetzung: Sara Kraja, Thomas Logoreci, Anjeza Cikopano; Farbkorrektur: Mira Klug
Producers: Johannes Gierlinger, Lara Bellon
Funded by: BMKÖS – innovative film
Stadt Wien MA 7
Land Salzburg Kultur
World Premiere: 43rd Bergamo Film Meeting 2025
Austrian Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: analog - 16mm







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