
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Saturday, 29.03.
14:45, KIZ Royal 2
Monday, 31.03.
16:30, Annenhof Kino 5

Nina in einer Reihe Begegnungen

Short Film, DE/AT 2024, DCP, 29 min, OmeU
Program: Kurzspielfilm Programm 3

Nina is in her early 20s; she has dropped out of university and has no job. Her longing for a solid place in life is met by confusion from those around her: her family is worried, and her friends only invite her out of pity. Sophie Gmeiner tells of a young woman’s frustration and helplessness in her search for herself.  

Director: Sophie Gmeiner
Script: Sophie Gmeiner
Cast: Mina Guschke, Jasper Middendorf, Toni Maercklin, Trang Dông, Sofia Iordanskaya, Marlene Goksch
Camera: Simon Dallaserra, Sophie Gmeiner
Editor: Sophie Gmeiner
Location Sound: Christian Limber, Elias Adelson
Music: ANIKA, Vague
Sounddesign: Sophie Gmeiner
Production Design: Eva Steffgen
Costumes: Eva Steffgen
Additional Credits: Regieassistenz: Nils Schröder; Kameraassistenz: Jascha Fenker
Producers: Sophie Gmeiner
Production: Schiefer Film
Funded by: BMKÖS – Kunst und Kultur
Land Tirol Kultur
World Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: digital







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