
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Tuesday, 01.04.
16:15, KIZ Royal 2

Fritzi Ernst – Ich steh im Bett

Music Video, DE 2024, DCP, 3 min, dOF
Program: Kinderkino

Fritzi Ernst can’t sleep. After all, there’s an idea in her mind that could perhaps herald a breakthrough. Gloria Gammer translates this excited mental state into a fluid, surreal music video in which dancing AI dolphins and amorphous worms mix in with fears of the future.  

Director: Gloria Gammer
Script: Gloria Gammer
Camera: Gloria Gammer
Editor: Gloria Gammer
Music: Fritzi Ernst
Production Design: Gloria Gammer
Producers: Gloria Gammer
Austrian Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: digital







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