
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
13:30, Annenhof Kino 5

The Village Next to Paradise

Feature Film, AT/FR/DE/SO 2024, DCP, 133 min, OmeU

Little Cigaal lives with his father and aunt in Paradise Village, a remote village in Somalia. When the school suddenly closes, he has to go to boarding school in the city. In Mo Harawe’s vivid feature debut, the three protagonists stoically defy the difficulties of their everyday lives in the impoverished civil-war-torn province. A tender family story and at the same time, a portrait of a country where a carefree life seems like a dream.  

Director: Mo Harawe
Script: Mo Harawe
Cast: Ahmed Ali Farah, Anab Ahmed Ibrahim, Ahmed Mohamud Saleban
Camera: Mostafa El Kashef
Editor: Joana Scrinzi
Location Sound: Willis Abuto
Production Design: Nuur Abdulkadir
Costumes: Sarah Ismail
Producers: Sabine Moser, Oliver Neumann, Jean Christophe Reymond, Nicole Gerhards, Mo Harawe
Production: FreibeuterFilm
Co-production: Kazak Productions (FR), NiKo Film (DE), Maanmaal ACC (SO)
World Sales: Totem
Distribution in Austria: Filmladen
Funded by: ÖFI – Österreichisches Filminstitut
ORF Film/Fernseh-Abkommen
World Premiere: Cannes Filmfestival 2024
Austrian Premiere: Viennale 2024
Kinostart: 08.11.2024
Production format: digital







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