
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Saturday, 29.03.
10:30, KIZ Royal 2


Innovative Cinema Short, GR 1994, DCP, 8 min, eOF
Program: POSITION A. R. Tsangari: Kurzfilmprogramm

First, Lizzie’s tongue no longer fits in Kenny’s mouth without having marbles roll out of it. Then a sock no longer fits on her foot. The question is, what still fits together with what here? A black-and-white experiment that tests the limits of “fitting” and celebrates the overflow.  

Director: Athina Rachel Tsangari
Script: Athina Rachel Tsangari
Cast: Lizzie Curry Martinez, Kenny Strickland, John Downing (Erzähler)
Camera: Cara Biasucci, Matthew Johnson, Athina Rachel Tsangari
Editor: Athina Rachel Tsangari
Location Sound: Tassos Rigopoulos
Sounddesign: Mark Herbst
Producers: Cara Biasucci, Jon Dichter, Denise Stallins, Athina Rachel Tsangari
World Sales: Haos Film
Austrian Premiere: Diagonale '25







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