
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Monday, 31.03.
10:15, Annenhof Kino 5

Marina und Sascha, Kohleschiffer

Short Documentary Film, DE/AT/RU 2008, DCP, 32 min, OmeU
Program: POSITION Ivette Löcker: Kurzfilmprogramm

When the ice finally melts on Lake Baikal, work begins for Sascha and Marina. They transport their cargo of coal with their barge. The film’s rhythm is defined by the departure, loading of the freighter, and the long journey to the port of destination. But since they have ever fewer orders, this trip, which Ivette Löcker accompanies them on with an empathic eye for the strenuousness of everyday life, is one of their last.  

Director: Ivette Löcker
Camera: Joerg Burger
Editor: Igor Heitzmann, Ivette Löcker
Location Sound: Aleksandr Dmitriev
Sounddesign: Jochen Jezussek
Producers: Ivette Löcker
World Sales: sixpackfilm
Distribution in Austria: sixpackfilm
Funded by: Robert Bosch Stiftung
IF – Innovative Film Austria / bm:ukk
Land Salzburg Kultur

World Premiere: Diagonale '08







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