
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
16:45, Annenhof Kino 5
Saturday, 29.03.
17:30, Rechbauer

On the Border

Documentary Film, AT/CH/DE 2024, DCP, 103 min, OmeU, OmdU

The history of Agadez in northern Niger is complex, and the transformation, rapid. The city of the Tuareg flourished for a long time as a hub of sub-Saharan migration, until a virtual border set up in the Sahara on the instigation of the EU cut off the local population’s main source of income. Gerald Igor Hauzenberger and Gabriela Schild have visited Agadez repeatedly, accompanying dedicated Tuareg and observing how, for a variety of reasons, a city that has always been bound to its nomadic tradition has become a pawn in geopolitical interests and developments. 

Director: Gerald Igor Hauzenberger, Gabriela Schild
Script: Gerald Igor Hauzenberger, Gabriela Schild
Camera: Thomas Eirich-Schneider, Gerald Igor Hauzenberger, Hajo Schomerus, Joerg Burger
Editor: Nela Märki, Stefan Fauland
Music: Bernhard Fleischmann
Producers: Susanne Guggenberger, Erik Winker
Production: FrameLab Film
Co-production: Mira Film (CH), Corso Film (DE)
World Sales: NEW DOCS
Distribution in Austria: Filmladen
Funded by: ORF, ZDF/3Sat, SRF
ÖFI – Österreichisches Filminstitut
FFW – Filmfonds Wien
FISA – Filmstandort Austria
Zürcher Filmstiftung
Film- und Medienstiftung NRW
Federal Office of Culture FOC
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Creative Europe MEDIA
World Premiere: International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) 2024
Austrian Premiere: Diagonale '25
Kinostart: 01.06.2025
Production format: digital







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