
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Saturday, 29.03.
14:45, KIZ Royal 2
Monday, 31.03.
16:30, Annenhof Kino 5

About Me

Short Film, AT 2024, DCP, 15 min, OmeU
Program: Kurzspielfilm Programm 3

Sylvia is a theater actress and of a certain age. When she receives an invitation for an e-casting, her recordings, which are characterized by insecurity, develop into a drama of delays. The fact that she puts her own daughter behind the camera does not make things any easier. A study about the fear of failure and traps of self-performance.  

Director: Fanny Rösch
Script: Fanny Rösch
Cast: Petra Morzé, Marlene Hauser, Thomas Mraz, Gerhard Kasal, Bernhardt Jammernegg
Camera: Laura Huber
Editor: Jonas Heuwieser
Location Sound: Anna Eber, Elias Rauchenberger
Music: Hans Könnecke
Sounddesign: Philipp Feichtinger
Production Design: Anna Reichmayr, Sabine Müller
Costumes: Hannah Lowe, Nike Hartmond
Additional Credits: Casting: Rita Waszilovics; Maskenbild: Helena Stöß; Mischung: Alessio Bertoldi
Producers: Ronja Stribick, Alina Rous
Production: Filmakademie Wien
Funded by: Stadt Wien MA 7
World Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: digital







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