
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
11:15, KIZ Royal 1
Saturday, 29.03.
22:30, Annenhof Kino 5

One Way Ticket to Tbilisi

Short Film, AT 2025, DCP, 30 min, OmeU
Program: Kurzspielfilm Programm 1

Joni is dead. His girlfriend Lena receives the devastating news in a hospital in Georgia, where Joni had spent several months. Far from home, he wanted to find himself again. However, as Lena soon finds out, what he also found is an art student named Nana.  

Director: Paul Ploberger
Script: Paul Ploberger
Cast: Marlene Hauser, Anano Makharadze
Camera: Lennart Hüper
Editor: Alexander Rauscher
Location Sound: Lukas Ellmer
Music: Resi Reiner, Benno Hiti, Gunther Müller, Mgzavrebi, Phil Coulter
Sounddesign: Alexander Siegl
Production Design: Verena Gross
Additional Credits: Colour Grading: Bernhard Schlick; Compositing: Lukas Kampichler
Producers: Kathrin Kaisinger
Funded by: BMKÖS – innovative film
Stadt Wien MA 7
Land Oberösterreich Kultur
ZF Kunststiftung
World Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: digital







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