
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
11:00, Annenhof Kino 6
Sunday, 30.03.
17:30, Annenhof Kino 6

A Series of Events on Various Timelines Concerning the Experiments of Paul Kammerer at Biologische Versuchsanstalt in Vienna

Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2024, DCP, 25 min, eOF
Program: Innovatives Kino Programm 2

A scientific scandal in the early twentieth century with a tragic ending: Ralo Mayer’s cinematic investigations into the Paul Kammerer case are a journey into the past. A search for clues in which fantastic curiosities and sad realities can be found not even two steps away from the Hauptallee, the main avenue, in Vienna’s Prater. 

Director: Ralo Mayer
Script: Ralo Mayer
Camera: Ralo Mayer, Victor Jaschke, Constantin Lederer
Editor: Ralo Mayer
Sounddesign: oder oder oder
Additional Credits: Kinderlieder gesungen von: Emmelie Glocker, Yoko Linortner; Archivarische Unterstützung: Stefan Sienell (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Producers: Ralo Mayer
Funded by: Stadt Wien MA 7
< rotor > Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Graz
World Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: analog+digital







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