
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Tuesday, 01.04.
16:45, Annenhof Kino 5


Feature Film, AT 2024, DCP, 98 min, OmeU

Gina is nine years old and helps her single mother deal with a daily routine that she can barely manage. Gitte is pregnant with her fourth child and has problems with addiction. Gina takes care of her two younger brothers and fights for stability and security, which Gitte’s mother was also never able to provide. This touching family drama from the perspective of the nine-year-old draws a precise portrait of three generations of women whose lives move in a spiral of poverty and neglect.  

Director: Ulrike Kofler
Script: Ulrike Kofler
Cast: Emma Lotta Simmer, Marie-Luise Stockinger, Gerti Drassl, Ursula Strauss, Michael Steinocher
Camera: Robert Oberrainer
Editor: Bettina Böhler
Location Sound: Claus Benischke-Lang
Music: Wallners
Sounddesign: Karim Weth, Laurenz Öllinger
Production Design: Gerald Freimuth
Costumes: Monika Buttinger
Additional Credits: Casting: Rita Waszilovics; Mischtonmeister: Alexander Koller
Producers: Alexander Glehr, Johanna Scherz
Production: Film AG
World Sales: Picture Tree International
Distribution in Austria: Filmladen
Funded by: FFW – Filmfonds Wien
ÖFI – Österreichisches Filminstitut
ORF Film/Fernseh-Abkommen
FISA – Filmstandort Austria
Land Niederösterreich Kultur
World Premiere: Filmfest München 2024
Kinostart: 22.11.2024
Production format: digital







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