
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
10:15, Annenhof Kino 5
Saturday, 29.03.
21:00, KIZ Royal 2

Reteorema (From A Like Auto to B Like Burial)

Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2024, DCP, 9 min, eOF
Program: Innovatives Kino Programm 1

A young woman strides across the barren, gravel landscape of a semiurban wasteland. The delicate analogue images are based on an automated image recognition process that uses artificial intelligence to retell the burial scene from Pasolini’s Teorema . The saint gazes at the heavens.  

Director: Mel Berger
Script: Mel Berger
Cast: Saara Hukka, Janina Weißengruber
Camera: Mel Berger
Editor: Mel Berger
Location Sound: Zoe Schmidt, Ramina Jenabi
Music: Thekla Molnar
Sounddesign: Thekla Molnar
Production Design: Janina Weißengruber
Costumes: Janina Weißengruber
Additional Credits: Programmierung KI: Saara Hukka; AC: Tamara Diepold; Zusätzliche Komposition: Klaus Rabeder, Markus Steinkellner; Sound Mix: Klaus Rabeder, Manuel Grandpierre; Colour Grading: Matthias Tomasi.
Producers: Mel Berger
Funded by: Stadt Wien MA 7
World Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: analog - 16mm







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