
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
11:15, KIZ Royal 1
Saturday, 29.03.
22:30, Annenhof Kino 5

Baits – Take Me Out

Music Video, AT 2024, DCP, 3 min, eOF
Program: Kurzspielfilm Programm 1

In the 2D-animated music video, cat and mouse struggle with the frustration of dating. The cat has swiped but the love of his life, rather than waiting in the pub, is building a nest in the cat’s heart to the driving sounds of Take Me Out by Baits. Because those who lose their heart, will soon no longer have one.  

Director: Leonie Bramberger
Script: Leonie Bramberger
Camera: Leonie Bramberger
Editor: Leonie Bramberger
Music: Baits
Producers: Leonie Bramberger
World Premiere: Best Austrian Animation Festival 2024
Production format: digital







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