
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Saturday, 29.03.
17:30, Annenhof Kino 6
Monday, 31.03.
13:15, Schubertkino 2

To Close Your Eyes and See Fire

Documentary Film, AT 2024, DCP, 98 min, OmdU, OmeU

On the first anniversary of the explosion in the port of Beirut, thousands of people fill the streets; mourners and protesters. For many, the catastrophic event on August 4, 2020 was no accident, but symptomatic of a corrupt government and its inhumane policies. A portrait that tells of collective trauma at the moment of a historical economic crisis that continues to grip Lebanon. Amid all the conflicts: an embrace.  

Director: Nicola von Leffern, Jakob Carl Sauer
Camera: Jakob Carl Sauer
Editor: Matthias Writze
Location Sound: Nicola von Leffern
Music: HVOB
Sounddesign: Karim Weth
Producers: Peter Drössler, Nicola von Leffern, Jakob Carl Sauer, Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber
Production: Golden Girls Film
World Sales: Taskovski
Distribution in Austria: Stadtkino Filmverleih
Funded by: ORF Film/Fernseh-Abkommen
BMKÖS – Kunst und Kultur
Stadt Wien MA 7
Drehbuchforum Wien / scriptLAB
World Premiere: Zurich Film Festival 2024
Austrian Premiere: Diagonale '25
Kinostart: 05.09.2025
Production format: digital







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