
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
11:00, Rechbauer
Monday, 31.03.
16:00, Schubertkino 2

Memory Spaces

Short Documentary Film, AT 2023, DCP, 10 min, OmdU
Program: Kurzdokumentarfilm Programm 1

Memory Spaces sheds light on the long-repressed history of Jewish forced labor in the granite quarry in Roggendorf/Pulkau. The images capture the (in)visibility of the past of this place and are accompanied by the voice of the contemporary witness Mira Knei-Paz, whose sister Magda was subjected to forced labor there.  

Director: Rosa Andraschek
Script: Rosa Andraschek
Camera: Liam Noack
Editor: Liam Noack
Additional Credits: Stimme: Mira Knei-Paz; Soundmixing: Manuel Bachinger
Producers: Rosa Andraschek
Funded by: Land Niederösterreich Kultur
BMKÖS – Kunst und Kultur
World Premiere: Schikaneder Kino, Wien 2024
Production format: digital







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