
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Sunday, 30.03.
19:30, Schubertkino 2
Monday, 31.03.
10:30, Schubertkino 2

Nursing an Idea and a Baby Are the Same Not Two Different Acts on Simultaneously the Same Body

Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2024, DCP, 17 min, OmeU
Program: Innovatives Kino Programm 5

In the cinema, the light cast by the projector should hit the screen with as little interference as possible. In Christiana Perschon’s film, it encounters an obstacle: a changing table. Four mother-child pairs occupy the image space and film time—for as long as is needed to change four diapers.  

Director: Christiana Perschon
Producers: Christiana Perschon
World Sales: sixpackfilm
Distribution in Austria: sixpackfilm
Austrian Premiere: Diagonale '25
Production format: digital







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