
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Monday, 31.03.
11:15, KIZ Royal 1

Wienfilm 1896–1976

AT 1977, DCP, 117 min, dOF

Ernst Schmidt jr’s compilation begins with footage shot by a cameraman for the Lumière brothers at Opernkreuzung and spans a wide arc to the year it was made, 1976, with the collapse of the Reichsbrücke and occupation of the Arena, which ushered in a paradigm shift in Vienna’s cultural life. An opulent magnum opus by a great thinker and filmmaker, a critical but also very loving homage to “his” city.

A digital restoration of the Austrian Film Museum based on the 16mm original negative from the ÖFM collection. 

Director: Ernst Schmidt jr.
Script: Ernst Schmidt jr.
Cast: Friedrich Achleitner, Marc Adrian, H.C. Artmann, Armin Berg, Joe Berger, VALIE EXPORT, Werner Kofler, Friederike Mayröcker, Otto Muehl, Arnulf Rainer, Gerhard Rühm, Peter Weibel, Karl von Zieglmayer u.v.a.
Camera: Walter Funda, Günter Pollak, Günter Janicek, Ernst Schmidt jr.
Editor: Ernst Schmidt jr.
Music: Alexander Giradi, Armin Berg
Additional Credits: Regieassistenz: Günter Janicek
Producers: Ernst Schmidt jr.
World Sales: sixpackfilm
Distribution in Austria: sixpackfilm
World Premiere: Österreichisches Filmmuseum 1977
Production format: digital







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