
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
10:15, Schubertkino 2

Durch dick und dünn

AT 1986, DCP, 70 min, OmeU
Program: Österreich – Eine Satire 2: Durch dick und dünn + Vorfilm

Too heavy, too big, too flabby, too unshapely. The young and successful advertising manager Eva (Michaela Pilss) is too much for herself—at least as far as her body is concerned. And this has far-reaching consequences: from loneliness in everyday life—she quickly rejects a new lover—through to a manifest eating disorder and dissociative episodes. With a great deal of humor, Margareta Heinrich’s first full-length feature film from 1986 tells of an extremely serious topic that has—unfortunately—not become any less relevant. 

Director: Margareta Heinrich
Script: Margareta Heinrich, Ullabritt Horn
Cast: Michaela Pilss, Helmut Berger, Renate Jett, Johannes Silberschneider
Camera: Hille Sagel
Editor: Karina Ressler
Producers: Margareta Heinrich
Production: Neue Studio Film
World Premiere: 24.9.1987 (ORF)







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