
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Monday, 31.03.
19:30, Schubertkino 2

Der Einzug des Rokoko ins Inselreich der Huzzis

Innovative Cinema, AT 1989, DCP, 103 min, dOF

Disappointed by his mother, a Viennese prostitute, a young man embarks on a sea voyage. The journey leads him to the island kingdom of the Huzzis, whom he intends to subjugate. However, his victims prove to be surprisingly stubborn. The Entry of Rococo into the Island Kingdom of the Huzzis is a tremendous grotesque, a black-and-white bricolage world full of oversized (sexual) objects, a revue show between Kabuki and vaudeville, circus and commedia dell’arte, pantomime and shadow play. A treasure trove of bizarre songs and rhymes. And a triumph of the absurd.

A digitization of the Austrian Film Museum based on the 16mm original negative, funded by the BMKÖS as part of the “Kulturerbe digital” funding program. 

Director: Andreas Karner, Mara Mattuschka, Hans Werner Poschauko
Script: Mara Mattuschka, Andreas Karner, Hans Werner Poschauko
Cast: Mara Mattuschka, Andreas Karner, Hans Werner Poschauko, Ingeborg Konrad
Camera: Ortrun Bauer
Editor: Mara Mattuschka, Andreas Karner, Hans Werner Poschauko
Location Sound: Mara Mattuschka, Andreas Karner, Hans Werner Poschauko
Producers: Mara Mattuschka, Andreas Karner, Hans Werner Poschauko
World Sales: sixpackfilm
Distribution in Austria: sixpackfilm
World Premiere: Wien 1989







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