„Deutschland, erwache!“
BRD 1968, DCP, 89 min, OmdU (CC) + VIIn his pioneering work, Erwin Leiser dissected the Nazi film propaganda used by the regime to indoctrinate the German population with its ideology. This critical compilation offered the first possibility to grapple with the “works” placed under “vorbehalt” or in other words, “retained with restrictions” in 1945, (Hitlerjunge Quex, Jud Süß, Heimkehr
etc.). After all, as Leiser explained, “hidden behind the slogan ‘Germany, wake up!’ was the opposite aim: to euthanize conscience, independent thought, and a sense of freedom and dignity.”
With an introduction by Michael Omasta. Curated by SYNEMA.
A digitally restored version, produced and distributed by Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art.
Script: Erwin Leiser
Editor: René Martinet
Production: Erwin Leiser Filmproduktion (Berlin)
World Premiere: 31.1.1968 (Norddeutscher Rundfunk)