
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Friday, 28.03.
19:30, Schubertkino 2


AT 1980, Film 16mm, 16 min, OmeU
Program: Österreich – Eine Satire 3: Kurzfilme

Karl Wallner, the protagonist of this short, is a man in his 50s. At the age of 14 he reached the height of 1,40 meters and stopped growing. The film shows scenes in the life of a little person, at home, at work and in his free time. 

Director: Ulrich Seidl
Script: Ulrich Seidl
Cast: Karl Wallner, Helga Hansch
Camera: Paul Choung
Editor: Paul Choung, Ulrich Seidl
Location Sound: Wolfgang Schneider
Producers: Ulrich Seidl
Production: Filmakademie Wien
Production format: analog - 16mm







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