
Film ProgramTimetable | Directors

Tuesday, 01.04.
17:00, KIZ Royal 1

Schnee von Gestern

Feature Film, AT/DE 2024, DCP, 87 min, dOF + VI

Criminal East Tyrol: a male corpse is floating in Lake Tristach near Lienz. According to the autopsy, the Environmental Secretary has more alcohol in his system than blood and apparently drowned. But reasons to doubt this soon turn up. Simon Morzé as Chief Inspector Martin Steiner and Marlene Hauser as Chief Inspector Melanie Grandits make their way to Inner Ainöd, a rough village community in a rugged side valley. 

Director: David Wagner
Script: Ivo Schneider
Cast: Simon Morzé, Marlene Hauser, Fanny Krausz, Wolfgang Lampl, Michael Rotschopf, Felix Rank, Johanna Orsini, Kristina Sprenger, Gerhard Liebmann, Igor Karbus, Joseph Holzknecht
Camera: Anna Hawliczek
Editor: Alarich Lenz
Location Sound: Ines Vorreiter
Music: Musicbanda Franui, Jóhann Jóhannsson
Sounddesign: Lenja Gathmann
Production Design: Nina Salak
Costumes: Monika Buttinger
Additional Credits: Maske: Desirée Schober, Isabella Gajcic; Redaktion: Bernhard Natschläger (ORF), Wolfgang Feindt (ZDF)
Producers: Danny Krausz, Andi G. Hess
Production: DOR Film
Co-production: ORF/ZDF
Funded by: FISAplus
Fernsehfonds Austria
Cine Tirol
World Premiere: Diagonale '25







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